The Village of Mystic, CT 06355
Mystic is a village, not a municipality, and therefore, has no independent government.
At the center of Mystic is the Mystic River Bascule Bridge and to the West of the Bridge is Groton, CT and to the East is Stonington, CT.
Groton is a town of close to 40,000 with a Town Council and Town Manager form of government.
Stonington has a population of close to 20,000 and has a selectman - TOwn Meeting form of government.
The town of Stonington is located in New London County, Connecticut, United States. Located in the state's southeastern corner, it includes the borough of Stonington, the villages of Pawcatuck, Lords Point, and Wequetequock, and the eastern halves of the villages of Mystic and Old Mystic (the other halves being in the town of Groton).
Click 1649 Stonington Economic Development Site for More
Visit the Town of Stonington Website
The Town of Groton, located midway between New York and Boston, is the largest municipality between New Haven, Connecticut, and the cities surrounding Providence, Rhode Island. Framed by the Thames and Mystic Rivers, Groton is notable for its shores on Long Island Sound, just east of the end of Long Island. Within the town limits you will find the boroughs of Mystic, Noank, Groton Long Point and the self-governing City of Groton.
Click Explore More Groton for More
Visit the Town of Groton Website
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